A Just Minimum Wage: Good For Workers, Business and Our Future

Makes a powerful economic and ethical case for raising the minimum wage and moving the United States from a low-road economy to the high road. Counters all the arguments against raising the minimum and offers vital insight into why the minimum wage is so important.
the report's words, "A job should keep
you out of poverty, not keep you in
it... Raising the minimum wage is an
economic imperative for the enduring
strength of our workforce, businesses,
communities and economy. Raising the
minimum wage is a moral imperative for
the very soul of our nation." "Should
be prescribed reading for members of Congress and President George W.
Bush, who have fallen far short of their obligation to develop a fair
and workable economy." -- Bill Boyne, Post-Bulletin (MN)
Just Minimum Wage' has gotten rave reviews
from every social justice group that
has seen it here in Arizona. Anytime
it’s made available to people
working on the issue, the response is
a combination of gratitude for such
a lucid and accessible document and
a desire to get a copy for themselves.
Congratulations on this excellent resource."
-- Rev. Trina
Zelle, Interfaith Worker Justice of
Arizona "What
a treasure! 'A Just Minimum Wage' is
a wonderful resource, as we work
to pass a higher minimum. Holly
is one of the best popular educators
around. Thanks Let Justice Roll." --
Barbara Zelter,
North Carolina Council of Churches "This
report contains a multitude of excellent
talking points that strongly support
the economic wisdom and moral fairness
of raising the minimum wage." --Democracy
for New Mexico Press
Release: Powerful
report shows fair minimum wage good
for workers, business and our future,
See What People Are Saying
"'A Just Minimum Wage' is quite impressive...a
vital resource in the debate over the
minimum wage...The important thing is
to get it...into the hands of citizens
wanting to be informed [and] get pastors
and lay leaders using it." --Beau
Underwood, Student Ecumenical Partnership