Today marks the fourth anniversary of the last increase in the federal minimum wage, on July 24, 2009. ... Rev. Stephen Copley, Director of the Arkansas Interfaith Alliance and chair of the national nonpartisan Let Justice Roll Living Wage Coalition said: “It is immoral that the minimum wage is worth less, adjusted for inflation, than the over $10 value it had in 1968, the year the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed in Memphis while fighting for living wages. We cannot wait another year.
John Schmitt and Janelle Jones
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Center for Economic and Policy Research
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Federal Minimum Wage Campaign

Join us to break the cycle of too little, too late raises in the federal minimum wage.
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Sign the Faith Leader Letter to Congress.
If you aren't a faith leader, please sign here.
Policy Points: Raising Minimum Wage in Hard Times.
If you aren't a faith leader, please sign here.
Policy Points: Raising Minimum Wage in Hard Times.
With over 100 member organizations, the nonpartisan Let Justice Roll Living Wage Campaign is the leading faith, community, labor, business coalition committed to raising the minimum wage to a living wage at the state and federal level.